Seventh day Adventist Church Temple for the UPEU - Templo para la iglesia Adventistas de la UPEU

Firstly i have to state that I am not an Adventist, I was invited, as an Architect, to participate in a closed private competition for the design of their main temple in Lima, Peru inside the campus of the Adventist University UPEU (Universidad Peruana Union.

Since last post it seemed like a good idea to keep the church theme (I've designed a few). This project was co-designed with my friend and colleague Jesus Jauregui and was presented through his firm Instametal.

The church required us to do extensive research on Adventist ways and ceremonies and required to fulfill an huge program requiring classrooms to prepare the believers for the second coming of Jesus Christ.

The lot was uphill and the sequence of spaces is akin to the sequence of ceremonies the Adventists participate in.

The concept started as a giant slab that bends in itself creating the closure for the shape of the church. In a was this was viewed as a "hug" in the same way the church welcomes their believers.

Here you can fin the panels the project was presented in (in Spanish)

The Museum of God - Museo de Dios

The Museum of God was a submission for an international design competition. The idea was to create an architectural marvel in a fashion that it would rival the ancient cathedrals becoming a modern icon.

This museum is conceptualized to reflect our times in relation to the concept of god. The museum is organized through three paths : the path of the believer, the path of the atheist and the path of the skeptic.

The path of the believers is a staired path that reaches the top platform from which is the only place where one could see the unreachable roofed garden. This garden symbolizes Eden, a place to yearn, but a place one cannot reach.

The path of the skeptic is manifest as a squared section tube, clad in copper, that, as a gesture to the garden of Eden, crosses the building, as well as the garden. But this path has no windows, no light and is enclosed to the religious concepts of the building. Is is a walk-through path with a dead end.

The path of the atheist is a square glass hall, below the garden of Eden that serves as a lookout to the lake. It feels the garden presence above, but cannot see it but is still a serene environment. It comes out the same way it comes in.

The building, like a cathedral, amazes the passerby with its technical and structural achievements.

The entry was granted a special mention and earned the third place. It was very polemical and controversial.

The Ideal House

This House was part of a competition in 2006 that called for the design of "The Ideal House". The House I designed was designed as an open loft of three stories with a huge open terrace on the second floor. This design was probably the first time I started playing with the concept of the "Floating Slab" (maybe block is more appropriate).

This competition entry made to the finalists and was the entry that caused a heated argument between the judges.

It was fun and I learned a lot